January 25, 2012

affections are stirred.

tonight at our community group, as we were watching a Matt Chandler Philipians video he asked a very good question.

he asked, "what stirs your affections for christ"

I LOVE this question and couldn't wait to hear what everyone said.  
a lot of us said similar things: good worship music, being outside in gods beautiful nature, a lot of people talked about their children's child like faith.  

but the first thing that came to my mind were stories like this one:

sweet Emme Knight that was once an orphan and now has a family!

Sunday night we got the opportunity to be at the airport when Jenna & Phillip and Emme came home.
and I took some pics ;)

leaving the airport, jamming to World Mandate CD, just THINKING about what the Lord has done in their lives, in Emme's life...the RESTORATION and REDEMPTION.  

THAT is what stirs my affections for Christ.

more on Emme to come :) 

What stirs YOUR affections for Christ? 


  1. I am a new follower and love your heart for orphans and Jesus. I think what stirs my love for Jesus is the everyday things: hearing about Compassion Children being sponsored, people hearing the gospel, living a life to Glorify God, being still in HIS presence, Hearing about people being SAVED by Jesus, etc. It's the normal stuff that makes life worth living because if it wasn't for Jesus, this stuff wouldn't matter to anything.

  2. love this!!! love that Emme is finally home!!


thanks for the love!