October 23, 2012

He sets the lonely in families.

can't wait to get to Ethiopia + bring these babies home
to read to em
snuggle with em
talk and sing to em

We leave American soil tomorrow morning!
praying for travel mercies, smooth bonding, transition from the home they've been living in to being with us full time, successful embassy appointment, smooth flight home and jesus just to carry us the whole time!

one thing we know to be true, "God sets the lonely in FAMILIES!" Psalm 68:6

Thank you all for being a HUGE part of our story!  
We can't wait for Camp + Asher to be on American/Texan soil so soon!!!! 


  1. wynne! this is wonderful. what a good God He is. and how beautifully He is using you!! blessings. prayers for your journey.

  2. So excited for you all!!! Safe travels and congrats!!

    -Sarah Schaefer

  3. Praying for you and your beautiful family sweet Wynne!! I can't wait to hear your wonderful stories about them joining your family!!
    Much love,

  4. So happy for you both!!!! You said YES to God, and now he has blessed you with two precious babies! I can't wait to read more about your time as a family! I will pray for a safe journey!


thanks for the love!