Our mission at Man Up and Go is simple: To compel men to bring hope by GOING to the fatherless, widows and oppressed. We are called to fight for the least of these (Isa. 61) whether that is in your neighborhood or 7,000 miles away. It is time to stand up for those who cannot standup for themselves. So I challenge you to stop...pray and think about where you are called to GO; fight and bring hope by taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the darkest and most hopeless places in America and in the World. We are on the clock and it is time to do something. Join us in the fight and do a canon ball into the Man UP and GO movement!!!
[THIS is what Man UP is all about. Stephen in Korah, July 2011]
I am really excited to share with you this morning that my husband will be leading a Man Up and Go mission trip to Uganda + Ethiopia June 5- June 15th. I'm also excited (and a bit nervous) to tell you that he found his co-leader....ME! So TOGETHER we will be leading a trip. so, even though it's MAN UP, women can man up too!
As most of you know, Stephen & I went on our first "man up" mission trip to Uganda + Ethiopia together the summer of 2011 and our lives have never been the same! Stephen is now on the leadership team of Man Up [just got home from their leadership retreat!] and they have a few trips planned this spring/summer that I wanted to pass the info along to you or your husbands (or fathers, brothers, sisters, friends). It's an amazing opportunity to get your feet on the ground in Africa, love big on orphans, and see God in a new way. I have blogged a lot about our trips [you can find those posts here] but would love to help answer any questions/fears/concerns you have.
[me in Korah on Man Up trip, July 2011]
[thanks Amanda for the pics, as I'm always taking them - I never get "real" live shots of us loving big]
Details about our trip::
Ethiopia & Uganda Trip
- Dates: June 5 - June 15
- Leader: Stephen Elder (jselder05@gmail.com), Wynne Elder co-leader
- Application Due: as soon as possible - print, fill out, scan and email to: jselder05@gmail.com. If you'd rather physically mail the application with your check, that's fine too (see below).
- $200 Deposit Due: February 15th
- First Trip Payment Due: March 15th (approximately 1/2 of estimated cost)
- Final Trip Payment Due: April 15th
- Checks payable to:
- Calvary Baptist Church (memo line write "Man Up Ethiopia/Uganda")
- Send your checks to:
- The Sports Facilities Advisory, c/o Jason Clement, 600 Cleveland St., Suite 910, Clearwater, FL 33755
- Pay online. Instructions found here - http://www.manupandgoblog.com/
- **NOTE** If you pay online, please let one of the Man Up Leaders know what name the payment was given under so that we may properly designate it
applications are due ASAP, so pray about it & see if God is calling you to GO this summer!
Stephen can be reached::
email: jselder05@gmail.com
cell: 432-853-4623
man up site: http://www.manupandgoblog.com/
I can be reached:
email: wynne.elder@gmail.com
omgosh! I would SOOO love to do this!!!! but I don't know if I have the time/money. I am supposed to get a summer job this summer.