November 24, 2011



I'm thankful.
thankful to be thankful.

thankful to have a warm bed, a hot shower, a good meal, and most importantly family around me that loves me unconditionally.

thankful that God has broken my heart
for what breaks His

thankful that I can appreciate all that I have
more than ever

most thankful for my relationship with Jesus
and what He did on the cross for me

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!


  1. This is probably a super lame and insignificant comment to leave on a heartfelt post.... BUT... I love your hair. I love that it's a little darker! It looks gorg!!! Plus I love your sisterly love on t-day! Living vicariously through you bc I didn't get to spend it with mine:( xoxox

  2. Aly, thanks ;) I had to read that outloud to my fam because they were giving me a hard time about it today at lunch. I told them I felt like being a "brunette" is a sin in my blonde family. Haha. Love you ;) sorry you didn't get to be with your sisters today :(


thanks for the love!